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Three Ways to Get More Done in a Day

Three Ways to Get More Done in a Day

You may have heard statistics or evidence that multitasking can actually make people less efficient. Actually, in many cases that’s true. Generally speaking, multitasking decreases the level of knowledge and understanding in a given task; and, sometimes it can lead to doing many things but not really accomplishing anything.

Before you get discouraged, however, think about this: what if the people studied in these statistics and data were just doing it wrong? Perhaps the outcome of multitasking is dependent on the approach?

If you want to accomplish more in a day, focus on becoming a better multi-tasker. How? Consider the following:

Take advantage of technology

Seriously—when it comes to getting a lot done in a little time, technology is your friend. For example: For instance, if you haven’t designated automatic settings on your email inbox, you should. Instead of wasting time identifying what emails should go where, set it up so emails are automatically sorted into different folders.

Another great example of how technology can help are all of those apps on your smart phone. If you use any kind of social media (at least 85% of people do) download an app that will allow you to manage more than one social media account at a time.

Play up  your strengths.

There are some activities that require more concentration than others. Then, there are some things you’re good at and can do without having to focus (at least not intently). These are the things that you should pair together. This is not for the tasks that require a lot of concentration isn’t going to do anything but there’s no harm in pairing up a few activities that have become habitual.

Take a break

Research shows us that taking a break from intense focus for at least 15 minutes can up your efficiency. Sometimes a little fresh air can go a long way! Try going for a quick walk or simply stepping away from your desk or workplace for a few minutes.

Multi-tasking is something that anybody can learn to do more efficiently. Like with most things, it just takes time and practice.

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